If we had to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult moving a piano is, we’d give it an 11. Moving pianos is a tough and stressful job that can easily go wrong if you don’t have a good game plan. We’ve encountered lots of people who’ve tried to move their piano on their own, only to have it scratch, damaged, or completely broken. Not exactly a fun situation to be in on moving day that’s for sure. That’s why we always recommend hiring a moving company to handle these beasts. Moving companies, like us, have lots of experience moving pianos safely. To ensure this though we always recommend some preparation on your part to get the job done quickly & easily. Here are a few tips to prep your piano for moving day.

How to Prep a Piano on Moving Day
Billy Goat Moving
Grab Your Piano’s Weight & Measurements
When moving we want to know as much as possible about the situation. It makes the job easier and helps prepare ourselves for what’s to come. So if we know ahead of time you have a grand piano that weighs over 900 lbs we can get all the necessary equipment and develop a good game plan for moving that sucker. Finding out your piano’s weight doesn’t require you to place it on a scale thankfully, there are plenty of resources that give you the details. Just make sure you know what kind of piano you have and you’ll be all good!
It’s also wise to have your piano’s measurements on hand so we know how big it is. Research the type of piano you have and measure accordingly to the instructions provided. Here is a good resource for grand, baby grand, vertical, and upright pianos for reference.
Prep Your Living Space For The Move
Take note of narrow doorways, staircases, or hallways, in addition; get some measurements of spots that may be difficult and compare it to your piano. We want to know everything about what we’re about to get ourselves into. Having this information in advance will help us develop our game plan for us piano movers. Also, be sure to remove any furniture or rugs that could be in the way of the path, this will make things 1000xs easier on move day.
Pad Your Piano For Safe Keeping
Here at Billy Goat, we pad all pieces of furniture to help keep your possessions safe. But if you decide to go with another mover, or want to help out as much as you can make sure you pad your piano. You can use blankets or any other soft padding for the job. The main purpose of this is to keep the piano’s surface from getting scratched or acquiring any damage during the move.
Disassemble The Legs From You Piano
Disassembling the legs will help ensure that moving the piano goes smoothly. Doing this will help movers navigate the hallways and doorways throughout your home a little better. If you feel uncomfortable doing this then wait until the movers get there to give you a hand.
Follow these tips on preparing your piano for moving day will help the move become quicker and easier for the crew on moving day.
If you need help moving a piano or moving in general, contact Billy Goat Moving today for a free quote. We help move businesses & families all along the front range of Colorado. Contact us today.